1998 Nobel Prize In Medicine

L-Arginine- Clinically Proven To Significantly Reduce High Blood Pressure AND….
- Removes Plaque, Reduces Bad Cholesterol
- Maintains Healthy Blood Pressure, Sugar Levels
- Enhances Blood Flow Supports Cardiovascular Health
- Combats Premature Cardiovascular Aging
- Increases Blood Flow To Muscles And May Enhance Energy Levels
- Improves Circulation
- Supports Healthy Sexual Functions
- Promotes Production of Nitric Oxide To Support Vital Organs and Body Fat
- Immune Function
ProArgi-9 Plus Clinically and Scientifically Proven
Leading Pharmaceutic Grade
L-Arginine Dietary Supplement
One serving contains 5,000 mg (5 grams) of elemental pharmaceutical grade l-arginine. Often referred to as the “miracle molecule,” l-arginine has potent health-enhancing properties.
The remarkable properties of l-arginine were validated by the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine, and since then have created a frenzy of interest in the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical fields. The efficacy of l-arginine as a therapeutic agent has been validated by thousands of scientific clinical studies.
ProArgi-9 Plus was formulated in collaboration with leading l-arginine researchers such as J. Joseph Prendergast and other cardiovascular specialists who have conducted pioneering research in the proper application of l-arginine in promoting cardiovascular health. These experts have helped create the best l-arginine product on the market.
L-arginine is best known for its cardiovascular benefits. In the body, l-arginine is converted to nitric oxide, which relaxes the blood vessels. This reduces stress on the heart and improves circulation. L-arginine is the body’s major source for nitric oxide synthesis. Without nitric oxide, human life would not be possible. L-arginine also reduces blood viscosity. Scientific studies have shown that l-arginine significantly reduces blood pressure levels.
L-arginine also enhances health in a number of other ways. It improves immune function, promotes healthy sexual function, may boost energy levels, helps to build muscle, and reduces adipose tissue body fat.
ProArgi-9 Plus is a unique product with far-reaching health benefits and powerful support for the cardiovascular system. With ProArgi-9 Plus, you’re giving your body the support necessary for a long, healthy life.
Dr. Joe Prendergast
- He has treated more that 7,000 of his own patients and has been using L-Arginine personally and recommending to his patients since 1991
- Board-Certified in internal medicine, endocrinology, and metabolism
- Has published 50 medical articles in well-known publications such as the Journal of the American Medical Association and the New England Journal of Medicine and Diabetics Care
- Has seen phenomenal results in his practice as a result of his protocols and delicate care and concern for his patients
- Contributes research and worked with Natures Sunshine Products (NSP) scientists to help develop the ProArgi-9 Plus formula. The formula was ultimately created by NSP for Synergy Worldwide.
Since 1991, Dr. Joe has been personally using l-arginine and recommending it to his patients. He has become an expert on the many properties and benefits of this amino acid and he understands l-arginine’s essential role in maintaining vital heart health. “L-arginine benefits the body in a myriad of ways,” explains Dr. Joe. “It stimulates the production of nitric oxide in the body, which dilates the blood vessels and helps them relax and restore elasticity. L-arginine is also important in cell division, immunity, and the secretion of hormones. We have now learned more about how l-arginine uses the two natural pathways into the brain to promote anti-aging properties, sports performance, and boost the immune system. We can’t ignore the power of arginine any longer!”
Dr. Joe uses l-arginine in his practice and has a remarkable record of success with it. He has received many awards including “Father of the Year” in 2008 from the American Diabetes Association and the Father’s Day Council of Silicon Valley and a Certificate of Recognition in 2005 from the American Medical Association for demonstrating outstanding commitment to eliminating health care disparities in the area of access.
“We can’t ignore the power of arginine any longer!”Dr. Joe has published 50 medical articles in well-known publications such as the Journal of the American Medical Association and the New England Journal of Medicine and Diabetes Care. In 1986, Dr. Joe formed a single specialty endocrinology practice, Endocrine Metabolic Medical Center, and a non-profit research foundation, Pacific Medical Research Foundation. In 1999, he founded DiabetesWell, an eClinic that helps patients with diabetes lead healthier, longer lives.
From his office in Palo Alto, CA, Dr. Joe sees a variety of patients facing both shortened lifespan and restricted lifestyles. He is one of the foremost practitioners and proponents of l-arginine as a treatment of choice, and through his practice he helps his patients to modify their lifestyles and begin a new, more rewarding life with fewer restrictions and broader opportunities for improvement.
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For best wholesale prices of based on quantity $42.50- $37.50
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Boyd Lynn Gerber or Debra Gerber
Boyd Lynn Gerber or Debra Gerber
(801) 849-0213
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Working Together To Change the Health Of Generations!