Friday, April 10, 2020

Immune-boosting Foods You Can Eat Everyday

Strengthening your immune system is important year-round, and maintaining a nutritious diet lays the foundation for optimal body functioning. We’ve made a list of top foods you can easily incorporate as part of your daily meals to help improve your health and bolster your immune system.


These fruits are loaded with vitamin C. Our bodies are unable to produce this vitamin naturally, so it’s necessary to include citrus fruits such as grapefruit, oranges, or lemons as part of a healthy diet. Vitamin C helps to build your immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells in your body. These cells are essential in protecting your body by fighting infections and illnesses.


Green vegetables such as broccoli or spinach are packed with a variety of vitamins and minerals including Vitamins A, C, and E, potassium and healthy fiber. These vitamins aid in white blood cell creation as well as maintaining organ health. Both may increase the body’s ability to fight infection by protecting cells against free radicals.


There are also a variety of nuts that help aid our immune system. Almonds supply the body with heart-healthy fat, protein and vitamin E. Similarly, walnuts can provide the body with valuable vitamin B6, copper, and folate. These vitamins can protect your cells from damage, enabling your white blood cells to function efficiently.


Spices are a great way to add some flare—and health benefits—to your meals. Turmeric is packed with curcumin, a compound that can boost immune cell activity and enhance antibody responses. Ginger has similar components to turmeric; however, it may also help decrease pain due to its concentration of capsaicin.


This fruit is rich with antioxidants and reinforces the immune system through antimicrobial activity. Pomegranate juice can assist the body in removing free radicals and protecting the cells from damage. The antioxidants found within pomegranate juice may also help protect the body against infection.


Green tea is full of flavonoids—a type of antioxidant—that helps aid the function of the immune system. These antioxidants help recharge a suppressed immune system. Green tea also helps de-stress the body and mind through its soothing aroma and flavor.


Almost all berries contain antioxidants and vitamins that can also boost energy levels and protect your heart. For example, acai berries contain high levels of fatty acids such as omega-3, omega-6, and monosaturated oleic acid—all of which help maintain a healthy heart.
Synergy has a wide variety of immune-boosting products—many of which include foods listed above. Each product is made with pure, potent ingredients and can ensure a steady intake of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Click HERE to explore them!


Monday, February 25, 2019

Cooking Tips for Heart Healthy Meals

Cooking Tips for Heart Healthy Meals

Cooking a heart healthy meal, or cooking in general, may seem like a frightening task to some, especially to those who tend to burn everything including toast. However, a study completed by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health states that the main ingredient in a healthier diet is cooking meals at home. By cooking at home you have control over your ingredients, your portion sizes, and the way that you cook your food.

A key to creating heart healthy meals is to cut down on cholesterol, fats, and salt found in many common ingredients. Create meals that keep your heart in mind by looking to these quick tips when dinnertime approaches.

Avoid Frying

Rather than deep frying or pan frying food, which causes ingredients to soak up unnecessary and unhealthy fats, look to these alternative options to keep the nutritional value of your ingredients intact:

Stir-frying. High temperatures destroy some nutrients when cooking, so by stir-frying foods rapidly at high temperatures, food (especially vegetables) retain more of their nutrients, and since the cooking happens quickly, the foods don’t retain as much oil as they would with conventional deep frying techniques.

Broiling.  Broiling is a popular choice to prepare healthy meals since it uses direct heat to cook the food and requires little to no oil in order to cook. Similarly, broiling methods melt the natural fat found in meat such as chicken or fish, and since most ovens have a broiling unit, it is a quick and reliable way to prepare meals.

Steaming. Unlike the options above, steaming is a form of cooking that requires no oil, which makes it much better for your heart since it avoids adding unnecessary fats. Steaming is also great for keeping the original form and taste as well as most of the original nutrition, especially in vegetables. For example, steamed broccoli retains 81% of its vitamin C as opposed to only 30% when cooked in water.  And since preparation for steaming is minimal, you can create a healthy meal in very little time.

Quick Tip: Try to keep your meals simple. In many cases, simple recipes and ingredients lead to healthier, more natural meals while more complicated recipes that involve extra ingredients and specialized cooking methods could potentially be taking away from your meal’s nutrition and your time.

‘Tis the Season 

Try to avoid prepackaged seasonings as they usually contain a lot of salt. Selecting fresh herbs and preparing hand-made seasonings may seem foreign to you now, but in the long-term, you’ll be saving money by doing the preparation yourself. Your heart will thank you for avoiding all the extra sodium found in store-bought packages.

Quick Tip: Use citrus juice, peppers, or vinegar to add an extra level of flavor to your dishes. But be sure to use these sparingly as to not overpower the overall flavor of the meal.

Make Substitutions

Using low or non-fat yogurt instead of sour cream cuts out unnecessary fats in your meal. In ½ a cup of yogurt, you’ll get double the calcium and cut out 4 grams of fat and 2 grams of saturated fat—a fat found in many store-bought foods that could be damaging to heart health over time.

Eliminating butter and replacing it with heart healthy olive oil can be incredibly beneficial to your arteries and overall heart health. Replacing one tablespoon of butter with one tablespoon of olive oil drops the fat content by 2 grams. Seven grams of unhealthy saturated fat will be replaced by 10 grams of heart healthy monounsaturated fats instead.

Make Extra

If you’re putting in the time and effort to prepare a heart healthy dish, don’t hesitate to go overboard. Making extra food gives you healthy snack options, as well as back-up meals in case you don’t feel like preparing something new after a long day. There’s nothing wrong with thinking ahead. This will help you create good habits that will keep your heart healthy and happy in the future.

Quick Tip: Making extra food is great, but just because you have extra food, doesn’t mean you need extra helpings. Set aside proper portions for snacks and meals by using small bags or plastic containers to stay organized and stay focused on eating until you are satisfied rather than eating until you are stuffed.


Thursday, February 21, 2019

ProArgi-9+ Featured in 2019 PDR

ProArgi-9+ Featured in 2019 PDR

ProArgi-9+ has once again been included in this year’s edition of the Prescribers’ Digital Reference (PDR), formerly known as the Physicians’ Desk Reference, providing a greater opportunity for people to discover the tremendous benefits of our best-selling product.

For more than 70 years, medical specialists across the world have turned to the PDR as the authoritative source of information on drugs and prescribed substances. Now available exclusively in a digital format, the 2019 edition of the PDR continues to be utilized in virtually every physician’s office, pharmacy, clinic, and library. No medical reference is more current, more recognized, or more respected. The PDR contains label information, dosage instructions, images, and more.

We hope this publicity encourages more people to discover and share ProArgi-9+ and its value in supporting a healthy lifestyle.

“ProArgi-9+ is the highest quality l-arginine supplement in the world. This proprietary formulation combines the powerful cardiovascular benefits of l-arginine with a variety of superior heart health ingredients to give your cardiovascular system optimum support.

ProArgi-9+ was formulated in collaboration with leading scientists and cardiovascular specialists who have conducted extensive research on the proper application of l-arginine in promoting heart health.”
Prescribers’ Digital Reference (2019)
Note: The 2019 Edition of the PDR containing information about ProArgi-9+ is available only digitally. Illustrations showing a physical book are simply a reference to the historical, widely recognized format.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Why You Should Care About Nitric Oxide

Why You Should Care About Nitric Oxide

We recently posted an article looking back at the groundbreaking ProArgi-9+ discoveries made by the Hughes Center in 2015, which revolve around the amazing power of nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide (NO) is one of the smallest molecules in the human body, and like oxygen (O2), it plays an extraordinarily important role for maintaining a healthy life. Nitric oxide keeps arteries wide so that oxygen can be easily delivered to all the organs where it is needed.

NO is produced, in many different cell types throughout the body, from the amino acid precursor l-arginine. The conversion of l-arginine to NO makes it a very unique amino acid that is of essential nutritional importance.

Read about the remarkable discoveries on Synergy’s ProArgi-9+ formula, here!

The site of NO production determines its biological effects:

• In the arteries, NO keeps blood flow high and keeps arteries smooth and flexible.
• In the gut, NO enhances intestinal function.
• In the airway system, NO helps keep air flowing freely to the lungs.
• In the brain and nervous system, NO contributes to normal memory formation.

By enhancing NO production, l-arginine is able to promote all of these effects. Thus, it is no wonder that such a huge diversity of organ functions are positively affected by l-arginine supplementation. Some people may call it a wonder, but we call it science.

Indeed, people with all different kinds of health concerns have reported improvements in their health status while on consistent, top-quality l-arginine supplementation.

One true fact needs to be considered though, when one contemplates this broad variety of health benefits: None of them can be achieved if l-arginine levels in blood are not successfully elevated above “normal” all the time. The powerful combination of l-arginine with l-citrulline has the biological potential to achieve this goal, and ProArgi-9+ has been scientifically studied to do this.

The success of the ProArgi-9+ forumula success is also explained by some of its additional ingredients that support stimulating the production of NO:

Resveratrol, the powerful antioxidant contained in red wine, supports the biological actions of NO on cells by reducing toxic oxygen radicals that may not only destroy the NO molecule, but also cause severe harm to the cell itself.

Vitamin D3 has been known as a vitamin that is good for bone health. However, medical research in the last few years has revealed that it is also an important regulator of blood vessel function! Vitamin D3 has also shown to benefit cell growth, along with glucose and fat metabolism.

The synergistic combination of other ingredients within ProArgi-9+, including C, K, and B vitamin blends, enhance the overall effect as well upon human health. This combination was carefully composed and is regularly put to the test every day.

Thus, the power of ProArgi9+ is in the quality of its ingredients, and in the science and research that developed this phenomenal product.

Download the nitric oxide infographic, here!